Want to purchase a business for sale in Canada or sell your business to a qualified buyer?
Do not look any further!
Achieve your professional goals by finding the most rewarding business opportunity that matches your needs.
Ricky’s has been a successful restaurant brand for over 50 years. serving breakfast, lunch and dinner with family frie...
Ricky’s has been a successful restaurant brand for over 50 years. serving breakfast, lunch and dinner with family frie...
Your unique opportunity for you to own an established and operational online website based business which does not invol...
If you are looking for a well-established business that allows you to work from home and earn handsomely, then look no f...
A fantastic business opportunity for an entrepreneur interested in natural health solutions! ...
Long and well established business. amazing town and awesome returning customers. only restaurant in the distance....
Business2Sell was established in 2006, and we are now one of the go-to websites for business and franchise sales in Canada. We currently have listings sourced from several Franchisors, Business Brokers and Commercial Agents, and Private Sellers. Our website has been designed to be fast and user-friendly, and we continue to offer a better service to the entire industry throughout the country.
Our continuing aim is to connect business buyers with Franchisors, Business Brokers, Franchisees and Private Sellers. We have helped thousands of people looking for the right opportunity by connecting them to the right business. In addition, we continue to provide business owners the perfect link to Business Brokers or the ability to list their business directly on the website. No matter which province or territory you are from, we will connect you with buyers and sellers across Canada. We also have directories listing companies who offer business-related services like valuations, finance, business coaching and consulting and much more. Another advantage of Business2Sell quality services is making selling a business easier for our clients.
We help you find the most desirable businesses for sale in your favourite city.
Choose your preferred industry by selecting listings from a wide range of business categories.
Information Technology is continuing to evolve at a seemingly supersonic pace in the current age. We understand the changing scenario and have leveraged technological advancements to build a marketplace that helps you find all types of businesses for sale in Canada.
The Business2Sell Group is an Australian IT success story that has grown to create a global presence. Established in 2006, the Group encompasses our flagship websites Business2Sell, CommercialProperty2Sell, Franchise2Sell and MillionDollarMansions.
We now have branches in New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the USA and most importantly, Canada. The whole Group has been founded on and continues to operate with the underlying principle of providing a superior service that works for our clients.
We offer industry-leading service and value for money that goes a long way in building successful relationships with satisfied customers. We stay committed to giving you a hassle-free experience with exceptional support.
Entrepreneurship is not everyone’s cup of tea’ is a common perception among industry professionals. While secretly desiring self-employmen......
Like any other investment, businesses must be monitored and measured to determine profitability. Entrepreneurs must stay on top of their finances to e......