Business For Sale In Georgia

Showing 1 - 20 of 43 results
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Strong Player in the Growing CBD Market...

Marietta, Georgia
Price: $1,720,000

Brand recognition with huge subscriber list cbd is one of the fastest-growing industries and is showing no signs of slowing down! according to the marketing forecast report, the cbd industry is currently experiencing substantial growth and is projected to grow at a rate of 23.3%, reaching $49.22 billion by 2028. this growth is largely fueled by the incre...

Growing and Successful Lawn Care Business For sale, $695,000...

Savannah, Georgia
Price: $695,000

Savannah area lawn care and lawn maintenance company growing and successful lawn care business savannah gawhat is the fastest and safest way to start your lawn care company?you can do it practically overnight with the acquisition of this business.2018 revenue $985,100!!enjoy and benefit from the prior owner&rsq...

Commercial Cleaning Business For Sale, $96,950...

Savannah, Georgia
Price: $96,950

Commercial cleaner servicing the restaurant industry commercial cleaner servicing the restaurant industrylisting detailstotal sales: $211,632sde: $64,770ffe: $39,000 (included in price)reason for sale:...

5.8 Acres - Cordele Inland Port - Rail Frontage, $295,000...

Cordele, Georgia
Price: $295,000

5.8 acres - cordele inland port - rail frontage, ga 5.8 acres – cordele inland port – rail frontage5.8 acres300′ of frontage on ga hwy 280,553′ of rail frontage669′ deep.ideally located in central ga....

Richmond Hill Retail Investment Property For Sale, $2,645,000...

Richmond Hill, Georgia
Price: $2,645,000

Richmond hill retail investment property for sale, ga richmond hill retail investment property10471 ford ave, richmond hill ga 31324listing details(included in price)operationyear established: 2013location...

Commercial Property For Sale, $399,000...

Guyton, Georgia
Price: $399,000

109 west central blvd, guyton ga, commercial property for sale! nice brick office building located in the heart of guyton, ga off w central boulevard (hwy 17). this building is the old heritage / citizens bank building. endless possibility with this property from nice office spaces or transform to a unique and much needed restaurant.nearby schools...

Walls Factory Outlet Store For Sale, $368,000...

Cordele, Georgia
Price: $368,000

Walls ® factory outlet store for sale, ga walls ® factory outlet store – established outdoors retailerthe walls® factory outlet store is a well-established outdoor clothing store offering a turnkey retail opportunity. conveniently located near a major i-75 interchange in middle georgia, this business has been meeti...

Bands, Burgers, and Beer, $248,895...

Price: $248,895

A little bit country, a little bit rock, and roll.this business truly has everything going for it! listing detailstotal sales: $685,518sde: $117,068ffe: $25,000 (included in price)inventory: $2,500 (included in price)...

Cordele Commercial Real Estate Former C-Store, $79,900...

Price: $79,900

Cordele commercial real estate former c-store, ga this is real estate a former c-store on hwy-280 east in crisp county ga 7.5 miles east of interstate 75. it is 2 acreslisting detailsreal estate: $79,900 (included in price)operationyear established: 1980...

Savannah Wheel Fun Adventure Rentals and Tours, $165,000...

Savannah, Georgia
Price: $165,000

A fun healthy business which also has sales and service. tap into savannah’s growing tourism market, provide leisurely access to the city through rentals and tours. a fun healthy business which also has sales and service.listing detailstotal sales: $249,354sde: $1...

Golf Course And Country Club Fo Sale, $725,000...

Atlanta, Georgia
Price: $725,000

Timing is everything! timing is everything!an offer of $725k will get you a 155-acre golf and country club on the west side of atlanta ga. the sellers are in a difficult situation so a quick offer and closing would have a value toward a discounted price. there is very good revenue potential with the events venue as well as the golf&nb...

Popular Savannah Restaurant For Sale, $1,749,000...

Price: $1,749,000

Great food, great service, great atmosphere! great food, great service, great atmosphere! from tourists to devoted locals to national celebrities, passionate fans love to talk about how good they feel about this restaurant! the numbers support the customer testimonials, with sales increasing every year for the past 18 years at sweet potatoes kitchen in t...

Property For Sale, $399,000...

Savannah, Georgia
Price: $399,000

Property for sale, ga former bank building, great location, great investment property, growing area!operationyear established: 2005locationtype of location: commercial buildingsquare footage: 2883...

Property For Sale, $369,000...

Savannah, Georgia
Price: $369,000

Property for sale, ga 501 north columbia ave, rincon ga – commercial real estate investment propertythe property is located about 18 miles north of savannah on georgia state route 21, estimated average daily traffic counts of 28,500 in 2015. the route is part of the savannah river parkway and is being considered for inclusion into interstate 3,...

Catering Business For Sale, $419,500...

Savannah, Georgia
Price: $419,500

Outstanding catering opportunity, ga this well established savannah caterer easily handles parties of over 3,000 and has the capacity to service even larger groups.listing details:total sales: $435,818sde: $144,369ffe: $40,000 (included...

Auto Repair Business For Sale and Real Estate, $1,170,000...

Savannah, Georgia
Price: $1,170,000

Auto repair business for sale and real estate, ga listing detailstotal sales: $793,116sde: $167,774ffe: $150,000 (included in price)inventory: $30,000 (included in price)real estate: $730,000 (includ...

Custom Apparel Printing Franchise For Sale, $149,000...

Price: $149,000

Custom apparel printing franchise for sale, georgia georgiaasking: 149,000gross sales: 285,201year established: 8revenues: 285,201real estate: nocash flow: 62,500...

Profitable Poke Bar For Sale, $200,000...

Price: $200,000

Profitable poke bar for sale, georgia georgiaasking: 200,000gross sales: 400,000year established: 2revenues: 400,000real estate: no...

Recovered Material Processing Facility Business For Sale, $500,000...

Price: $500,000

Recovered material processing facility business for sale, georgia georgiaasking: 500,000gross sales: 550,000year established: 3revenues: 550,000...

Profitable Vietnamese Restaurant For Sale, $174,999...

Price: $174,999

Profitable vietnamese restaurant for sale, georgia georgiaasking: 174,999gross sales: 315,858year established: 12revenues: 315,858cash flows: 87,187...

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